Memorial Donations

Celebrate the life of a beloved person or pet with a memorial donation. Donations made in honor of your loved one’s memory ensures a better life for animals and gives hope to those still in need. 

Honor a Loved One by Supporting Suffolk Humane Society

Keep Your Loved One’s Memory Alive. Honor them with a memorial gift to the Suffolk Humane Society. Your donation will help provide care, comfort, and love to animals in need.

The Suffolk Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Memorial gifts are tax deductible. EIN: 68-0658196.

Remembering Rhonda

Many of you know we lost a very special person on August 22, 2018, Rhonda Duman Jones. She served as president of Suffolk Humane when she passed away after a short but valiant battle with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Rhonda dedicated many hours over the years to support the mission of SHS. We ask that you consider a tax-deductible donation in memory of Rhonda to help continue the many programs as a special gift of support honoring her work in our community.